My Arabic journey is not the typical story. I originally was an anthropology student,  which required me to study a language.  I had wanted to study Gaelic,  however my University didn’t offer it.  Spanish didn’t seem exciting, so I chose a language I knew nothing aboutArabic!  That first day was terrible,  I will never forget the sheer terror I felt discovering that Arabic is written from right to left.  I can honestly say that was the hardest class I have ever taken.  I listened to the alphabet 24/7! However the more Arabic I learned, the more I feel in love with the people and culture that Arabic opened to me. Long story short I changed my major, changed my life plans, my future. It was an easy decision though, and I don’t regret it at all. Because for me Arabic has always been about the relationships that I have discovered.  I now hope to become an Arabic interpreter, and continue to create new friendships.

Meet Sam! My Journey to Arabic #30 [Samantha Nicole Walters]


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