We met with Nikos Tavridis-Hansen, from Norway/Greece. Nikos is a PG Arabic alumni studying for MSc Middle Eastern Studies with Arabic at the University of Edinburgh. In an interview with Nikos, we asked him the following questions:

Tell us about yourself

My Name is Nikos and I am a post graduate student of Middle Eastern Studies with Arabic. I have a Bachelor Degree in Development Studies and I have also studies Middle Eastern Studies with Arabic.

What made you decide to study the Arabic language and culture?  What & who inspired you?  What were your motivations?

Growing up I was always exposed to discussions about politics and culture at home. I have always been interested in politics and as a teenager I got involved with politics, more specifically with the Solidarity Movement for Palestine. When I later started studying Development Studies in Oslo, I had the chance to go on an exchange to Cairo for six months. Going there I traveled through Turkey, Syria, Lebanon and Jordan. This for me was a life changing trip, and the following years I returned to several of these countries a number of times. I loved the food, the smell, the social life, the discussions, but there was an important obstacle; I didn’t speak any of the languages. So after I was done with my Bachelor degree I decided to study Arabic, which a did for a couple of years, until my studies were interrupted. After working for a few years I have now decided to resume my studies of the Arabic Language, here at the University of Edinburgh.


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