“My journey to Arabic”, or MJTA for short, is a learner biography initiative, in which we try to capture and document the personal stories and learning journeys of people who have studied the Arabic language and culture as a non-Arabic speaker or anyone who is keen to learn about the Arab world and its language.
Contributors to this initiative come from across the spectrum, ranging from school pupils to university graduates to more experienced and established experts in the field.
If you are keen to share your story, we believe that stories like yours will inspire everyone, especially the younger generation, and give them insights as to where their Arabic can take them. This is something that we are sure prospective students and anyone contemplating on taking Arabic, would be very keen to read and hopefully take lesson from.
In the MJTA interview we try to capture learners’ journeys their motivations, struggles and successes towards mastering the Arabic language and culture. We ask our participants questions around a number of themes:
- Motivations & Incentives for Learning Arabic
- Top Tips of Studying Arabic
- Studying Arabic Vocabulary
- Studying Arabic Grammar
- Studying Spoken Arabic
- Studying Arabic Script
- Studying Arabic Culture & Literature
- Success Stories in Learning Arabic
- Eureka & Aha Moments in Learning Arabic
- Challenges & Obstacles in Learning Arabic (Ups & Downs)
Quick Wee Questions
- What is your favourite Arabic word?
- What is your least favourite Arabic word?
- Who’s your most inspiring Arab personality?
- What is your favourite place in the Arab World?
- What is your favourite Arabic quote?
- What is your favourite Arabic book and why?
Share your Learning Journey
If you have studied Arabic as a foreign or second language – no matter how little – we would love to hear from you. To take part, please go to SUBMIT
Spread the word
Our goal is to interview as many learners as possible so we would really appreciate if you could suggest names of potential candidates to be interviewed for the [My Journey to Arabic] initiative. Please do spread the word about this project.
We look forward to hearing from you
OERabic Team